Relax, have fun and communicate while creating!Register to our workshops Why you should join?CreateCommunicateRelaxRead here Shop Now! Shop Now! Our ServicesWorkshopsOur productsPrivate eventsWhat they say about our workshops “It was a very nice and creative experience !!!I can’t wait to repeat it and recommend it to friends!” “Relaxing, inspiring and totally creative!” NewsApokosmo creations: the workshop where you paint statues accompanied by cocktails!Read our recent interview in Athens Voice here . Follow us on Instagram! apokosmo.creations Λατρεύουμε να σας βλέπουμε Βρες όλες τις πληροφορίες σ Ένα ακόμη Secret Location special event έ Ώρα να μπείτε στο mood των Χρι Διαθέσιμο από 1η Δεκέμβρη, σ Αν τα εργαστήρια του Apokosmo cre Load More Follow on Instagram Subscribe! To be the first to know our news! email@example.comSign up!